Restorative Education
What is Restorative Education?
Restorative Education is a social-emotional learning framework that uses evidence-based practices to teach skills that build connectedness, communication, and community stability. This strengths-based approach includes the foundations of restorative practices, is aligned with the CASEL framework for social-emotional learning, and is informed by the work addressing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and strategies addressing the impact of trauma. --
Implementation of the Restorative Education framework and strategies creates a predictable, secure, trusting climate that establishes a sense of safety and well-being. This approach leverages the structure and expectations of the school experience, in-person, online, or offline. School leaders, teachers, and students will learn the language and skills to use both within structured activities and typical interactions for consistent, predictable, and positive communication. Professional learning includes how to teach and use restorative language, establishing and implementing restorative routines, structuring and holding restorative circles, and more advanced problem-solving approaches including restorative reflections and conferences. These strategies are universal, brief, and support the objective of creating a climate for learning.